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So what is this all about— can a crystal altar and map on our website have anything to do with helping the world transform? Amazingly, we believe the crystal altar and map are tools for the end game, so to speak, in the Divine Plan to correct the “Watcher’s mistake”. The mistake saddled Humanity with the counterfeit-spirit or Eckhart Tolle’s pain-body, which worked with the lower human ego to sabotage our spiritual progress.

As we know, our world is full of Energy Stars or nodes that can affect the mass consciousness. Ancient Wisdom utilized this in respect to Spiritual Evolution, marking the known areas with pyramids and temples to focus the energy. Unfortunately, the ancients had to contend with the natural Globe cycle that sifted those who had evolved from those who hadn’t. Using natural global disasters, evolution determined those ready to move to the next Globe, and those who needed to remain. Consequently, roughly every 2,000 years, all Life had to basically reset after a cataclysmic disaster of some kind destroyed both lives and civilizations. This was how spiritual evolution worked for 40,000 years, after created the “enemy” to our progress. Just before the start of the Common Era the Divine realm decided humans were ready to assist in their salvation, and energetically and consciously separated our Earth, Globe D from the Globe cycle and the universal aspect of our adversary, known then as the World Soul.

From its inception our home has been the arena to address the “Watcher’s mistake”, both universally and individually. We explained this in our two book treatise, America’s Hijacked Destiny

We have completed the Temple Steps (first KTI round).

  Click for Sage 1Click for Sage 2Click for Stage 3Click for Stage 4Click for Stage 5Click for Stage 6Click for Stage 7

Click for -KTI- Books & Cards Page
4  recent 777-books -KTI- Books & Cards Page
Those following KTI (Know Thyself Initiative) may have noticed that a former Opening Page’s comment “virus in our consciousness software...” that concerns the false self, or the ego and pain-body, and not the Corona virus.
Our latest books address how this consciousness virus affects every aspect of Life but more importantly—
we can fix it through spiritual transformation.

K.T.I. Evolution Page-link Icon     K.T.I. Institute Site link Icon
K.T.I. or the Know Thyself Initiative is constantly Evolving and addressing Spiritual Evolution. Icons use the 5 senses by accessing the knowing of our Spirit with shape and color guiding us subliminally while activating forgotten purpose. Our goal is to facilitate this process with each icon linking to the appropriate sections and pages. The I.D.E.A. Foundation
for the Benefit of Humanity
is a nonprofit foundation that produced the Triple7 Center, later spawning K.T.I. as a learning center for Humanity. In 2020 we launched the K.T.I. INSTITUTE for Spiritual TRANSFORMATION,
for 777,000 called teachers. 

K.T.I. Institute FORUM Site link Icon     FORUM Facebook Posts Archive Page-link Icon
There is now a K.T.I. Institute FORUM, which uses Facebook to reach potential "teachers" on a global scale. The above graphics (icons) have links associated to them that take you to the FORUM site pages.
Here is a link to Facebook:

Click for KTI CYCLES page & Carl's articlesSTAGE - 6 represents the Moon and UNDERSTANDING. The BEYOND DIVINATION: BOOKs provide the information base for K.T.I. Stage-6.  "I dedicate these works to all those who have contributed to our knowledge of the Tarot, by either creating decks or investigating what the cards mean. In joining the hundreds of investigators who have studied the mysterious Tarot and shared their understanding, I acknowledge that I am standing on the shoulders of some of the world’s greatest inspired scholars."—Suzzan—

Triple7 Center LinkLink to Dr Carl Calleman page

Triple 7 Center Codes Page— CODES link for —
— Tarot GATEWAYs —

The RWS-ARCANAs Tarot GATEWAYS viewing page
STAGE - 7 represents the Sun and TRANSFORMATION. DANIEL’S LION: BOOKs are used in K.T.I. Stage-7 and LIVING IN 2 WORLDS is actually included in this KTI section in its entirety.
It is easy to see while looking at recorded history that humanity is caught in a virtually unchanged insane cycle; much like the dog chasing its tail. The way we all think (thought process) needs changing to escape this insanity. We can all make that possible through individual Spiritual Transformation.

Link to Dr Carol Rosin pageI.D.E.A. Foundation Link

777 Page
Triple7 Center
Dr. Calleman's Page
Dr. Carl Calleman
Dr. Rosin Page
Dr. Carol Sue Rosin
I.D.E.A. WebSite
I.D.E.A. Foundation


KTI Stage -2 Cycles Carl's Latest Post —               — Click for KTI message page —               — BRIDGE to PEACE PROJECT Page-link

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For those of you that miss the interactive World Light of Hope Map… Connect with a click
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OLD Point of Light map